Conscious Eating

The Evidence is that the more attention we pay to what we eat, the more satisfied we are by it. Not only that, the more we focus on the attributes of the food the greater potential we have to enjoy it. How great is that!

My grandmother used to tell me to chew my food 20 times. This was the most boring thing in the world and it certainly does make you ready to stop eating and go and do something more interesting. Now I get it though, it was over exposing you to the taste, smell and texture of that food so you were happy to stop eating it. 

This approach is far more interesting but achieves the same purpose. Focus on each of the attributes below. Have an internal conversation about it. Note that the first 3 prompts don't involve eating the food but looking at it, thinking about it and smelling it. This is the set up - getting your brain ready for the eating part. 

Then with every mouthful note those other factors. 

Truly enjoy your email and truly enjoy turning your mind to something else when you are finished. 



Conscious Eating